1. 購買本產品即表示您同意本產品僅供測試和研究之用,並且不得在公共道路上使用,亦不得用於
2. 使用者應該清楚了解,本公司及其代理商、安裝商或相關業者對因使用本產品所造成的後果概不
3. 購買方應在購買前充分了解並同意使用條款及免責聲明。任何不遵守這些條款的行為都將使購買
本網站隱私權保護政策將因應需求隨時進行修正,修正後的條款將刊登於網站上。Terms of Use:
1. The purchase of this product indicates your agreement that the product is solely intended for testing and research purposes and must not be used on public roads or for any fraudulent, illegal, or unethical activities.
2. Users should be aware that our company, its agents, installers, or related entities will not be held responsible for the consequences of using this product. Users are expected to use this product correctly in compliance with local laws and regulations.
3. The purchaser should fully understand and agree to the terms of use and the disclaimer before making a purchase. Any actions contrary to these terms will result in the purchaser bearing legal responsibilities.
I have thoroughly read and understood the above disclaimer and terms of use. I acknowledge that this product is intended solely for testing and research and agree not to use it on public roads or for any fraudulent, illegal, or unethical activities. I assure compliance with local laws and regulations and understand and agree that the selling entity is not liable for the consequences of improper use.